

Lorna Alkana, Regina Coca, and Jason Wu are MFA Graphic Design students at Otis College of Art and Design. This installation stems from a Public(action) [Seminar] assignment to join their individual projects: 

Beautiful Collaboration

We (LRJ) work and respond to image aesthetics; we also navigate imagery with the understanding that making something beautiful isn’t enough.

What began as a flash installation to transform the space outside of our graduate studio became a fluid exhibition that lives in code and online.

This exhibition uses layers of augmented reality to document our exploration of what “beautiful” means to ourselves, to each other, and to those passing through.

Beautiful Exhibition

What is beautiful? Can you see it? Does it change? Beautiful Exhibition documents LRJ’s (L, R, and J’s) intention to just create something beautiful. 

QR codes around the exhibition space invite you to glimpse into windows inside of windows, invisible portals into beautiful: fragments of augmented reality.

We developed the imagery from a survey of what our classmates described as conventions of beautiful. Throughout this exploratory process, LRJ experienced excitement with discovery, frustration with the intangible, and potential in subjectivity. We found beauty in the ordinary and communion with the invisible.

Beautiful Too

LRJ reimagined the Beautiful Installation with a new context for the Otis MFA Fine Arts, Writing, and Graphic Design Open Studios event in Culver City. On April 14, 2019 from 2PM-5PM, you’re invited to see the invisible Beautiful Too installation and works from all the Otis grad students.

10455 Jefferson Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232

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